Take Out The Peaceful Warrior Dan Millman Analysis

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“Here…Now…This moment…” An inspirational tale by Dan Millman about the power of the human spirit comes to life onscreen in a stunning film. His first book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, was turned into a film, and titled Peaceful Warrior. Protagonist Dan Millman is an Olympic team star who is adored by everyone and will do anything to be the best. He is a talented college gymnast with magnificent aspirations to win a National Championship competition. He is guided by success and has it all until a car crash leaves him with a shattered leg and a crushed future. His negative mindset is turned around when he meets a stranger at a gas station named Socrates, who motivates and teaches him about the power of human will. Socrates shows Dan how little he truly knows about life. In one of Socrates inspiring speeches to Dan called “Take Out The Trash”, he motivates him to discover what more he has to learn. Socrates alters his mind set for a new vision. With the help of Joy, a young woman who Dan is drawn…show more content…
Its purpose is the convincing of the orator to the audience. It is the effectiveness of the speech by how reliable and credible the speaker is. This technique is used to convince the audience that the presenter is qualified to present the particular subject he or she is discussing. Socrates uses his own experiences to relate to and be on the same level as Dan. This gives Dan an easer time to believe that Socrates knows what he is talking about. Experiencing a challenging life himself makes Socrates a source for Dan to rely on. Also, being much older, wise, and having experienced and overcome similar obstacles, makes Socrates a role model that Dan can look up to and rely on. Socrates reassures Dan that he has been through complications in his life and has gained much knowledge from those experiences. Socrates being a credible person is effective to the main task, motivating

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