Summary Of Winnie The Tao Of Pooh

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Published in 1982 Benjamin Hoff’s book The Tao of Pooh, explains Taoism by relating its ideals and principles to the beloved Winnie the Pooh stories written by A.A. Milne. He uses the characters personalities as an example of different kinds of people in the world. Taoism has a different path to enlightenment from Buddhists and Hindus. In Hoff’s first example he describes the painting The Vinegar Tasters. The Buddhist has a bitter expression when tasting the vinegar as they believe one must detach from the desires and attachments of the world to alleviate from suffering. Those who believe in Confucianism had a sour expression as they believed that “man on earth was out of harmony with the way of heaven.” The Taoist was smiling because they…show more content…
Which explains the term p’u also translated into the uncarved block. An uncarved block is in its simplest and original form containing its “own natural power, power that is easily spoiled and lost when . . . changed” (10). In the stories Winnie the Pooh, Pooh best fits this description and at times he may appear too simplistic. But regardless Pooh is able to accomplish what he sets out to do because he is simpleminded. Pooh is able to enjoy the “simple and the quiet,” the “natural and the plain” (21) as others fret about unnecessary things. The uncarved block has the advantage of being spontaneous and whatever they endeavor always manages to work out in the…show more content…
Hoff calls also coins the term as “the Pooh way,” which also means to not “going against the nature of things.” Hoff explains wu wei to be like water, it flows around rocks and obstacles in its way. Wu wei does not try to force a path, but flows with the “natural rhythm of things” (68). Forcing one’s own way leads to stress and struggle. Mistakes are made by man, those with “overloaded brains” that detach from the “natural laws by interfering and trying too hard” (69). This mind tends to wear down and tasks become sloppily executed, making the mind inefficient. People say “fight fire with fire” wu wei says “fight fire with water”

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