Suffering In Dorianne Laux's 'For The Sake Of Strangers'

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“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller It is part of life to go through suffering and it shapes us to the person that we ultimately become. People go through suffering and hate it. They see it as something bad; something unnecessary; something that people lose their faith over because they believe religions cannot explain the causes of suffering well enough. People who keep their faith imagine an afterlife in heaven without suffering. They imagine getting anything they want anytime they want it. But that is not ideal. A life without suffering would be a boring life without happiness. Is it even logically possible to live without suffering or do you need the bad for the good? We could not enjoy a 5 star meal had we never tasted a bad meal. We could not value having something to eat had we never felt hunger. We need suffering to be able to experience happiness and suffering helps us to grow as people. In the poem “For the sake of Strangers,” by the author Dorianne Laux a person is suffering from grief. This person says we are obliged to carry our grief but the…show more content…
While I was working with the dumbbell I thought about what happens to your body as you work out. When your muscles do work little tears are made to it. During rest your muscle will repair these tears and build itself stronger together gaining size and strength. It sounds weird but you break it down a little so you can build it up stronger and the same logic can be applied to not only our bodies but our characters, as well. We need challenges and suffering in our life to damage our character so we can rebuild it stronger. That is why people who get everything in life from a young age often seem to be spoiled and lack certain abilities as in having the drive to work hard or being empathetic and relate to

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