Stereotypes In Miller's Tale

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In fourteenth century England, women were considered to be at the mercy of male authority figures. The male figure, usually the father, after marriage became the husband. A wedding signified a transfer of property from the father to the husband for a price (dowry), that was the women. Women were not legally thought of as legally competent adults. If she were to have property premarriage, that property would be turned over to the husband. This sexism can often be attributed from their religious beliefs. They would read passages that say that the woman’s “ desire will be for [her] husband, /and he will rule over you.” These God given laws were never to be questioned by mere mortals. Geoffrey Chaucer’s choice of setting, a religious pilgrimage,…show more content…
In the Miller’s tale, Alisoun is convinced by Nicholas to be an adulteress, seemingly not have having a choice. In the Wife of Bath’s prologue the reader can see that her fifth husband, Jenkin, is sexist and reads books dedicated to how bad women are (690-699). Furthermore, Chaucer propagates the stereotype that women are bad decision makers; that it is her fault that she stayed with him when he beat her. We can see this same stereotype in the Nun’s Priest’s Tale; that not only does it state that Chanticleer loves the most submissive hen and the controls the other 6 hens, but when Pertelote states her resolution to Chanticleer’s issue he ignores her (215). Chaucer states that a “"woman's counsel is so often cold! / A woman's counsel brought us first to woe,” (226) that women's advice shouldn't be taken. Their opinions and advice lead to men's downfall and are to blame for men's mistakes. Men in the Middle Ages objectified women by saying that they are "all there to do his pleasure." Out of Chanticleer's seven wives, he loves only one of them, Pertelote (215). The six others are only to make him happy. This polygamy is constant with the biblical anti-feminist peppered throughout the

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