Stalin Vs Machiavelli

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Lenin, Stalin, Putin, and Marx vs Machiavellian Theory Lenin, Stalin, Putin, and Marx all made use of Machiavellian ideologies explored in his treatise on war titled The Art of War. Machiavelli’s thoughts on morality within the authoritative figure were that goodness has no use when it comes to power status - an idea which is clearly reflected in the actions of Lenin, Stalin, and Putin on multiple occasion. In the same respect, accumulation of ultimate power was a focal point of Machiavelli’s work. Not one of the leaders found it necessary to to implement any sort of power restriction on themselves. Structures of government were aligned in their favor so that clear that they could never be sidelined. Putin, Machiavelli, Lenin, and Stalin all…show more content…
The fact that Lenin took it upon himself to oversee all production and general work in itself is a truly Machiavellian example of taking authority and furthering power, forgoing the counterproductive nature of giving rights to workers. In post-tsarist Russia, Machiavelli’s treatise on war (The Art of War) was adopted by Stalin, & with the insanity instituted by Lenin, it was easy for Stalin to convert the revolution into a twisted people’s struggle that enabled him to maintain doctoral power for four decades (Miller). Stalin also chose to liquidize anyone he deemed as criminal or undesirable - ranging from the mentally or physically inept to anyone he aimlessly decided was criminal (Miller). Though morally reprehensible, in Machiavellian theory this would be considered an efficient way to achieve a bigger means of power. In terms of morality, human and animal rights are at the bottom of the list of priorities or Vladimir Putin. Russia’s living conditions are notoriously terrifying and there is little hope for improvement under his reign,as he does not consider the comfort of the people is not a pressing moral concern…show more content…
On surface level, Marxist ideologies proposed to “guarantee workers an end to hardships and a chance at political and social equality” (About Marxism). These Marxist concepts appealed the the masses, but once applied pigeonholed most individuals and families into situations where no matter how hard they worked they would only receive the same minimal (but equal) compensation as everyone else. This was problematic in that said compensation was barely livable. Instead of equalizing and liberating the people, this system made way for an overpowering dictator to keep the people powerless and blind at the same time with the constant theorized promise of

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