CSI Evidence Investigation Essay

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Crime scenes are almost always unpredictable. Evidence can be scattered throughout a room, completely hidden from sight. Or, on the other hand, the scene can be very small and minor with minimal evidence to be collected. To top it off, popular TV shows have also created a false sense of how the law operates. This has been called the CSI effect. “The CSI effect refers to the notion that in order to convict accused felons, jurors now expect prosecutors to prove scientific certainty rather than to merely overcome reasonable doubt” (Harriss, 2011). To avoid confusion, as well as to ensure that a scene is properly and thoroughly investigated under the guidelines of the law, law enforcement has created a process in order to complete this task. The steps that are normally taken when processing a scene include a call-out and briefing, initial evidence search, general crime scene photography, detailed evidence search, orientation of the photography of evidence, close-up photography, suspect and victims pathway photography, crime scene diagram completion, evidence…show more content…
For this, investigators and any forensics personnel are called out to the scene. The first responding officer to arrive on the scene almost always conducts this step. The first responding officer, after securing the scene, would be waiting for the arrival of the forensic technician to start processing the scene as well. Upon arrival, the forensic technician is to record what he/she observes, as well as the location, the time, date, and what time they arrived at the scene. “This is crucial for the rest of the officers and detectives who will be joining them on site. Any officer involved in the call-out is also responsible for being present in the briefing of the rest of the investigators and forensic technicians arriving after themselves” (Young & Ortmeier, 2010). Once the initial briefing and scene survey are completed, the scene is then

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