Soldiers Don T Cry: Korean War's Impact On Americans

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Soldiers Don’t Cry: Korean War’s Impact on Americans In 1954, during a time when American morale was recovering from a brutal World War II and beginning the attempt to halt the spread of Communism by initiating the Korean War, the short story Wolves Don't Cry by Bruce Elliott was published. It was a story of a werewolf from a local zoo mysteriously waking up as a human. He faces the struggle of adapting into a society that is dramatically different than the one he became accustomed to as a wolf. According to Cudray's Monster Theory, the monster in the short story relates to Thesis IV that states, "The monster is difference (Other) made flesh, come to dwell among us", a form of otherness (Coudray). America soldiers experienced this monster…show more content…
Soldiers began to move back home to start families and establish a home in the suburbs, where happiness seemed to reign. Many citizens believed there would not be another war of significance for many years following the difficult times of the last World War. Until, the spread of communism sent troops to North Korea in an attempt to resist the domino theory from progressing, in return thousands of troops were captured. This can be represented in the short story Wolves Don’t Cry when the werewolf was forcibly taken from the comfort of his cage, where his family resided, and thrown into an atmosphere he was not accustomed to living in. The werewolf states, "He would never had thought, when he was captured, that he would ever miss the new home that the two-legged had given him", showing the otherness of the two enemies during the 1950's, between North Korean and American lifestyles (Wolves Don’t Cry). The wolf resembles the American soldiers that ultimately were sent to fight, leaving their cage of comfort and their families behind; transitioning from a secure, pleasing life, and captured into an inverted society than they were used

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