Skeletal Remains In North America Essay

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For many years, archaeologists have been searching for skeletal remains of the first Homo sapiens that entered North America. Ancient remains have been found in the New World, but not in the Old World. This means that ancient Americans migrated from the Old World to the New World. The closest point connecting the different worlds is fifty-six miles apart. Also known as the Bering Strait. Approximately 20,000 years ago, much of North America was covered by ice caps. Therefore, there was a land bridge connecting the two worlds. The first Homo sapiens to enter North America used the Bering Strait land bridge to migrate from Northeast Asia to Alaska. Archeology is the study of extinct people, animals through skeletal remains, fossils, and artifacts. For many years, archeologists have been searching for skeletal remains of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. In the Americas, only evidence of Homo…show more content…
Thousands of years ago, much of Canada and the Northeast United States were covered by ice caps. These ice caps were approximately three miles thick which could have reduced ancient sea levels as much as 500 feet. When these ice caps melted, they could have produced up to 300 feet of water. This means that before these ice caps melted, the water levels were significantly lower. There is actual evidence of the water levels being greatly reduced by several hundred feet. This is because of the coral attols that are thousands of feet below sea level. The organisms that built these attols cannot live in water greater than 300 feet. Therefore, the sea levels had to have been greatly reduced in order for these attols to live and grow. It also must have been that way for a long time in order for them to be able to thrive. The Bering Strait’s maximum depth is 180 feet. If the Ice Age could have reduced the Bering Strait’s depths by 500 feet, all the water dried up which created a land bridge connecting the two

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