Similarities Between Castor And Virus

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Castor and Pollux, also called Dioscuri which mean Sons of Zeus, were twin brothers of the mother Leda of Sparta, while the father is not fully agreed upon. The speculation of the father is between Tyndareus, who is the husband of Leda where they are the king and queen of Sparta, and/or, the more popular, Zeus. There are different variations that of which both the twins are mortal, both are part God, and one is mortal, while the other is part God. It is all dependent on who was the father, if Tyndareus is the father of them, they are mortal, while if Zeus is the father of them, they are part God. However in most cases in which one is mortal, which the other isn’t, it is always Pollux who is the part God. In the story that Zeus is the father,

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