Should Fast Food Workers Receive Higher Wages

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Wages. Recently, there have been many heated debates over whether or not fast food workers should receive higher wages. Companies such as Walmart and Target have listened to concerns of their employees and agreed to raise wages. Since retailers have managed to jump on the higher wages train, the fast food industry is getting more attention as others wonder when they will follow suit. However, retail chains are able to raise wages easier than fast food chains because they experience lower labor costs. Fast food workers sometimes have a difficult time predicting rising costs of commodities while being able to budget for higher wages. Despite facing higher labor cost, fast food chains will need to figure out ways to raise their wages. Whether it be retail chains or fast food chains, they are all battling for the same employees; as everyone knows, employees are going to be attracted to employers with the best wages and benefits (Zillman, 2015). Consumer Wants. Consumers are constantly looking for healthier eating options or quick options that fit into low-calorie diets. The fast food industry is…show more content…
However, they are not taking the most obvious, steps such as offering more fruits, vegetables or grilled and steamed options. Some restaurant chains, such as YUM Brands, have been listening to consumer concerns and have started removing ingredients such as artificial colors and flavoring along with trans fats. Other chains, such as Chipotle, have even started removing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) (Hoppe, 2015). Subway chose to remove a chemical, azodicarbonamide, from its breads even though the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved it. Customers produced concern about this chemical because it is mysterious and very hard to pronounce; word of thumb from most health nuts, the best foods contain few ingredients and ingredients you can pronounce (Linshi,

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