Senator La Follette's Speech During World War I

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Senator La Follette’s speech agrees with John Milton’s quotation in terms of freedom to speak freely and also the right to speak out against war. Follette is passionate about unknown information that wasn’t being presented to American citizens about World War I. He felt as if Americans should also have say in whether or not it would be appropriate for America to join into a war that didn’t involve the United States. To begin with, in many people's eyes during 1917 and 1918, La Follette was the most hated man in the country, for insisting that America had no business in the war and had been led into it by lies and trickery. Follette disagreed that the army should go into battle. No other representative was willing to speak out against the government’s decision to enter into war. Senator La Follette took it upon himself to voice his opposition because he really didn’t want to create enemies with a country that had no political difficulties with the United States. It didn’t matter to him whether or not personages of the government had a problem with him speaking his opinion. He spoke out based on the right of people to…show more content…
Upon taking the floor, La Follette read in an unemotional detached manner a speech he had prepared defending free speech in wartime. Follette made a speech on the freedom to speak for citizens to say his/her own opinion stating any man who seeks to set a limit upon those rights, whether in war or peace, aims a blow at the most vital part of our government. Follette is informing the President and others of the government that first he is free to speak his opinion about the war, then let it be known the war is disobliging. Speaking about every important phase of this war Senator Follette voiced that causes and manner in which it should be conducted, and in terms upon in which people should be made…… This speech is hailed as “a classic argument for free speech during time of

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