Return Of Wolf Research Paper

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How lonely is the night without the howl of a wolf. Though wolves are actually timid and gentle animals, they are being systematically eliminated because people wrongly believe them to be vicious, cold-blooded killers. But without them the environment crumbles because our planet's health depends on biological diversity, of which, the wolf is a linchpin. The return of the wolf is largely being managed by the wolves themselves. Often, young wolves will take to the trail, striking off into the unknown. Dispersing wolves can cover as much as 120 miles in a day. It is a practice shot through with risk. Many die. And even if a dispersing wolf does find a free habitat with enough prey, the odds are not high that another wolf of the opposite gender…show more content…
If a stranger set up a tent in another person’s backyard and was eating out of their fridge, the average human’s response most likely would not be much better than that of the wolves. Why? Because that person is in their territory, their home, where they are supposed to feel safe. Suppose to be safe. There seems to be an asymmetry in reports of wolf attack threats related to attitude towards wolves. All such reports of near attacks have come from people who have expressed fear or antagonism towards wolves before their report of a close call. Their attitude likely causes a misperception of a wolf’s behavior. On average wolves kill 0.1 person a year. To give some perspective: vending machines kill 2.18 people a year, horses kill 20 people a year, domestic dogs kill 31 people a year, and 450 people die every year falling out of bed. As for livestock, losses due to wolves in the Northern Rockies represents less than 1 percent of the total losses. On average they kill 270 sheep and 54 calves/cattle. Which is far less than other predators. Coyotes kill 7,100 sheep and 2,300 calves. Domestic dogs kill 1,400 sheep and 100 calves. Cougars kill 400 sheep and 500 calves. And bears kill 1,100 sheep. A study by the scientific journal PLOS One, found that killing wolves can increase the risk that wolves will prey on livestock. This is most likely due to them needing to prey on easier catches because…show more content…
The Maasai of Tanzania have started using structures called “Living Walls” to protect their livestock from lions and other predators. They are a twist on a more traditional structure and have proven successful in preventing lion attacks on livestock and retaliatory killing of lions. The Maasai plant native trees that act as fence posts which are then covered with chain-link fencing that makes it impossible for predators to squeeze through. If they can protect livestock from something as big and strong as a lion, why not use them to protect against wolves? The only differences would be that the fences would need to be roughly 5 ½ to 6 feet tall and buried at least a foot down to guard against digging. Suzanne Stone, senior northwest representative for the environmental group Defenders of Wildlife, has run a program with sheep growers in one Idaho valley aimed at finding ways for sheep and wolves to coexist. The ranchers there resort to a number of tactics to protect roughly 30,000 sheep: monitoring wolves to avoid grazing the sheep near denning sites, using guard dogs, flashing bright lights to scare off wolves, and increased numbers of people herding the sheep. The program is cheaper than dispatching a

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