Ray Bradbury's The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh

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Many people are interested in war. Including Jim Murphy and Ray Bradbury. Ray Bradbury wrote a famous newspaper article called The Drummer Boy of Shiloh. He has a great passion for writing and came to write this novel on one day from a newspaper article. Jim Murphy came to write his story Drumbeats and Bullets when he came across a story in a library of a fifteen year old boy in the civil war. He didn't know that kids so young fought in the war. In the book The Drummer Boy of Shiloh, the battle doesn't start in Shiloh. The story works it's way to Shiloh. Some parts of the story were in the war, other parts were weren't. In this story it's more historically accurate. Bradbury started his passion for this story when he read an article about someone being the great grandson of the drummer…show more content…
it mentioned the facts that his great-grandfather was the drummer boy at Shiloh." (Bradbury, 209) Drumbeats and Bullets is a chapter from the book The Boys' War, by Jim Murphy. In this chapter the battle stays in Shiloh. There were more quotes in this story. There was more talking during the war. In the making of the story, Jim Murphy said that he was visiting a library when he saw a diary of a Union Soldier named Elisha Stockwell, 2 Jr. Jim liked to give union and confederate soldiers in the war a voice. “I spotted . . . the Civil War diary of a fifteen-year-old Union soldier named Elisha Stockwell, Jr. Hmmm, I thought, I didn’t know kids so young had fought in that war. . . . Why not let him and other young soldiers talk about the war in their own words? This started my search for other Union and Confederate voices." (Murphy, The Boys War) Comparing both stories they both had battles in Shiloh. But in Bradbury's story he was a little bit more historically accurate. The boys in the story that were drummer boys were at the ages five to fifteen. Both stories contained the Civil War and the battle

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