Raven: The Divine Creator In The Inuit Culture

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In many cultures across the globe, there has always been a story to explain human existence. In these stories there is consistently one similar character, a divine creator. A divine creator is seen as a god, and this being is responsible for creating all things in the world. In the Inuit culture, the divine creator was Raven, a supreme being that was half bird and half human, and could create anything by beating his wings. The Inuit people believed that they were born to be thankful to this god for creating all things on Earth that they needed to survive. In the Mayan culture, there were two divine creators; Tepeu the Maker and Gucumatz the Feathered Spirit. Mayans believed that these creators made life for the sole purpose of having beings…show more content…
They are described so richly and mightily that it would be difficult to see them as average. The Mayans provided great detail to describing their gods, saying “While the world around them was dark, these two glittered with brilliant blue and green feathers. They came together to create the world.” This shows the beauty of how these two gods were seen, and shows them as majestic and other-worldly. The Inuits described Raven as superhuman, because he was half man and half bird. This gave Raven powers that no other being could posses because he had all of the advantages of being human and animal. This shows how Raven was dominant to the people in the Inuit culture. Lastly, the Colonial Americans showed that they believed God to be in charge of their lives. In Edward Taylor’s writings he would plead to God, almost like a son pleading to his father. This shows how much they looked up to their god and only did things under his…show more content…
To the Mayans, the creators were seen as only that; beings who created the Earth. The Mayans were polytheistic, meaning they believed in many gods. Therefore, Mayans were only thankful to the creators for putting the world in place and giving them their lives. The Inuits were also polytheistic, but viewed Raven to be a supreme god to the others. Through prayer, they would thank Raven for his creation and their lives, but they would not request anything of him because they believed that they had everything they needed. The Colonial Americans however were monotheistic meaning that they only worshipped one god. They would go to God for anything, asking him to help them through the problems they encountered on Earth. Taylor said “Make me, O Lord, thy Spin[n]ing Wheele compleat”. This shows how he believes God could affect his life, not just create it. He wanted God to actively change his ways so that he could follow God more

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