Radiography Personal Statement

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I have always felt that my career should be within the health profession and hospital based. I cannot really explain why, but I always had this though ,I think it is just something that I had in my mind since I was little. On my 14th birthday I had the confirmation that I wanted to pursue a career in the health environment,my decision was strongly influenced when my aunt was diagnose with brain cancer.Seeing some one really close to be passing through this awful moment and could not do nothing to help her, made me feel guilty and I realised that many people lived and are still leaving the same situation and I wanted to be there to help all those people in need. Radiography is an exceptional combination of , science, health care and technology;…show more content…
I have enjoyed every single moment during my work placement and It was one of the most exciting experience that I have ever had, this had confirmed one more time to me my passion and desire to embark on radiography as a career choice. I have found myself in the right place because my skills and qualities could developed and improved.I have been thought that in a radiology department it is extremely important to have excellent interpersonal skills to communicate effectively with other team members and patients that are usually not familiar with the radiographic procedures,they can be unsure and scared,this is why a good radiographer must know how to talk with patients and make them feel comfortable.Being diagnostic radiographers is not at easy job as none of all other health care careers,this is because they mostly get to know patients for a brief period of time and they must understand the psychology of individuals very quickly to be able to provide the best care possible based on their

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