Protagoras Rhetorical Analysis

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Part 1: Protagorous • What is the major sophist claim made in Protagorous? The major claim in Protagoras is knowledge of virtue can be taught by others and is not something inherited from those before us. It is a trait, which can be shaped by others who are claimed to be masters of it. This is Protagoras’s argument throughout the writing. Soc: “ …virtue cannot be taught. But then again, when I listen to your words, I waver… show me a little more clearly that virtue can be taught. Will you be so good?” (Williams, 121) • How does Plato use this claim to make statements about: o Rhetoric- The use of rhetoric is used as an important tool in this writing, although Socrates calls for brevity for the sake of clarity o Athenian society- The…show more content…
He instills that true rhetoric is hard to achieve. o Athenian society- o The ontology of man- Part 6: “The Allegory of the Cave” • We discussed how there are 6 elements of the Cave that are functioning as metaphors. Identify the 6 elements and what they represent. 1) The men in the cave: They are the Demos 2) The Puppeteers: They are the Sophists 3) The objects to make the puppets: Its Rhetoric, “ False arts, false truths” 4) Who is the man that is freed: Philosophy students. 5) Objects that one comes to know out of the cave: They are Ideal Forms 6) Man that returns to the cave: The Philosopher. • How does Plato use this allegory to make statements about: o Rhetoric- The use of rhetoric in his allegory is that of a keeping those chained in the cave. o Athenian society- The Sophists keep the populace occupied with their shadows, only when we break free and gain knowledge can we help the others see the light as well. o The ontology of man- • Why did you need to read the first 3 dialogues in the assigned order to fully grasp Plato’s utopic vision for

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