Prostitution: A Historical Argumentative Analysis

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Prostitution is considered to be one of the oldest professions in the world and still exists in contemporary society (Kelly, 2015). Within Canada, sexual service work is not considered a criminal offence, however, there are numerous laws which do not condone certain activities related to this profession. Therefore, the manner in which the system is designed makes it difficult for prostitutes to operate without being penalized (M12, La). Moreover, as a result of the limited rights pertaining to the prostitution realm, it is apparent that prostitutes are unable to perform their duties in environments that are as safe. Being a controversial subject involving contradictory values and interests, determining which jurisdiction should be exercised in regards to prostitution poses great difficulty within the legislative justice system (Robertson, 2003). The purpose of this paper is to examine prostitution from a historical, moral, and feminist perspective related to law. 2.0 Historical overview of Prostitution and Law In…show more content…
They support in the increased legal control of sex work and also believe it enforces violence against women and children and promote global human trafficking (Shively et al, 2012). The enforcement of laws against prostitution regulates activities away from communities however, forces sex-workers to work in highly isolated and dangerous areas. Aside from the safety of the prostitute, laws against sex work attempt to control private moral behaviour through social control measures (Vago & Nelson, 2014). Those in favour of legalizing prostitution suggest that it will increase security issues, improve public health, combat poverty, reduce crime, increase revenue for government and view it as victimless crime of consenting adults (Debatepedia, 2010). Prostitutes depend on this profession as a means of financial income

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