President Clinton Model Of Student Success Skills

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On January 23, 1996, President Clinton in his address before a joint session of the congress on the state of the union said, “I challenge all our schools to teach character education, to teach good values and good citizenship (1996). There are many aspects to a person’s character; integrity, honesty, courage, loyalty, ethics, fortitude and one’s well-being. According to Aristotle, one’s well-being entails having good moral values (2006). For teachers to accept President Clinton’s challenge, they must focus on their students’ emotional health. Without having a healthy psyche, all of the attributes of a good character cannot exist. Although a student’s life outside of the walls of their school impacts their emotional health, teachers have the…show more content…
One of those strategies is a positive behavior guidance model called student success skills (Brigman & Campbell, 2003). Student success skills involves school-counselor-led intervention that focuses on intellectual, collective and self-management skills (2003). The model involves students participating in a group session with the school counselor. It involves students learning how to ask appropriate questions and recognize when they need a break, learning to tell others how they feel, teaching them how to appropriately socialize with peers and adults, show them how to ask and share the appropriate details about their feelings, and providing feedback to students’ responses. A similar group session takes place in the classroom where students are asked to share with each other what they learned and how they can use their knowledge in their personal lives. When Brigman and Campbell conducted a study to determine if the student success skills model is effective, they discovered that 70% of the students in their study improved their behavior with a 22 percentile point improvement (2003). The results is evidence that a SSS model is effective in increasing a student’s behavior therefore, improving their emotional…show more content…
Saita is an 11-year-old student in the fifth-grade who has an emotional disturbed diagnosis who displays inappropriate behavior on a daily basis at school. An SSS would provide modeling through group sessions and an opportunity to practice appropriate services while receiving support from his teacher and counselor. The first step I would take is to conduct a FBA. REASON FOR REFERRAL Saita was referred for a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) due to consistent disruptive behavior that has not improved even with intervention. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Saita has a diagnosis of an emotional behavior disorder. He lives with his parents and younmger brother. Saita enjoys activities such as playing games, soccer, and baseball. He receives support at school, but still displays inappropriate behavior that is interrupting his and his peers learning. When working with an adult in a one-on-one environment, Saita demonstrates a far better ability to learn and control his

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