Portrait Of A Killer: Stress

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In the documentary Portrait of a Killer: Stress the part I found the most interesting was that stress was related to hierarchy in baboons and humans. One example I saw in the documentary is when people who had a higher position in the workplace had less stress than those who had lower positions. It was the same with baboons, those who were higher ranking had less stress than those with a lower ranking. Both of the groups who were more stressed had a higher risk of heart and brain conditions. Portrait of a Killer: Stress is a very good documentary I personally loved it. This documentary showed the causes and effects of stress that are needed in an attitude change and more social interaction necessary in order to handle stress. In this film, I can see how my stress levels increased in situations where I had less control and where I was exposed to doubts. Now days, I think about situations, in childhood and adulthood that were related to my stress. Having an understanding of the stress response and what may cause it has helped me to manage things better.…show more content…
Sapolsky suggests some stress management techniques that can be helpful for us to impact the research on the field of health psychology. His suggestions included the modifying our environment to have some control and to have an understanding of what control do we have, being objective and gaining perspective on things, having a social support network, practicing stress management activities daily and not just on the weekends. Of course, sometimes we may need extra help and support to reduce stress from our lives. Sometimes we can increase our sense of control in small ways and take little steps, maybe by organizing some paperwork or by small steps often

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