Police Discretion Research Paper

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You have a number of factors that play into an officer’s use of discretion. The person’s demeanor previous history and what they did to get the attention of the police. Was it a speeding or was it theft from a store. How an officer uses discretion is based on a number of factors past experiences and training defiantly play a big part in decision making whether the officer gives a warning or a fine. Sometimes it comes down to when court and correctional systems are backlogged, police tend to become more lenient. When a city needs revenue, police officer's become strict. Individual discretion is likely to be affected. The use of discretion is different from situation to situation and person to person. Of course, police officers still have to follow codified rules and regulations for more serious incidents. For instance, an officer can't ignore a homicide and must follow all rules…show more content…
If cops were always enforcing the Law 110% then the hate would just grow. Using discretion they can show a lighter side of the Law also that they just want to protect the community not be bully’s. Punishments can be divided into two types of practices utilitarian and retributive. Utilitarian punishments seeks to punish offenders to discourage future wrong doing. Retributive seeks to punish offenders because they deserve to be punished. Utilitarian practice laws should be used to maximize the happiness of society. Crime and punishment does not coincide with happiness they should be kept to a minimum. With utilitarian you have to understand that a crime free society does not exist, but a balance between the two needs to be there. Inflict only as much punishment as is required to prevent future crimes. Rehabilitation is another utilitarian rationale for punishment. The goal of rehabilitation is to prevent future crime by giving offenders the ability to succeed and move on from there

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