Police Brutality Argumentative Analysis

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There is a thin line is between police protection and brutality! Police brutality was brought to the forefront in 1991 by the horrendous Rodney King incident. According to www.killedbypolice.net, almost 1,000 people have died from police use of force this year so far. Last year, a devastating amount of 1,106 people died from police use of force and in the year of 2013, 768 people died. Police officers are given a significant amount of discretion simply due to the nature of the job. According to National Institute of Justice, “Law enforcement officers should use only the amount of force necessary to ease an incident, make an arrest, or protect themselves or others from harm. The levels, or continuum, of force police use include basic verbal…show more content…
Everyone’s perspective is different and because of unwilling witnesses and the “Don’t snitch rule” a great number of people whom are guilty are determined innocent every year. Therefore wearing body video cameras helps build a better case against a suspect. For someone to be convicted they must be established guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt." Currently evidence to consider someone guilty are a victim testimony, other eye-witness testimony, physical evidence (such as DNA), photographic evidence, and documentary evidence. When a body camera video footage is shown in court it overrules human perspective. The video footage would show exactly what happened and who was involve in the altercation. The footage would also show the time, date and where the incident occurred. According www.koin.com, officer Drummond from Sherwood, Oregon said “You can articulate as much as you can in a report, but once you go to a grand jury and they get to see what you’re talking about (it’s) totally

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