Personal Narrative: America's Funniest Home

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“And I watched you leaving. A silhouette of all the times we’ve shared, and there’s no reason for you to turn around and come back here. I guess I knew that you’d grow up to be the woman that you are, but now you’re leaving. I never thought the day would come so soon.” These are just some of the words to the song that inspired my life. The song itself isn’t what influenced me. It’s the man who wrote it, my dad. When I was only two years old, he wrote this song about me. He ended up selling it to a musician, named Brad Johner. The song actually won an award back in 2003. The first time I was old enough to understand the lyrics to the song, I realized that I needed to live up to what was written about me and the expectations my dad had for…show more content…
One of the many lessons I remember is when he taught me about having common sense. We were watching America’s Funniest Home Videos one night in 2007, and there was a video of a little boy playing in the bath tub. The date that read across the screen was 8-23-97. My dad asked me how old the boy would be now. I replied easily saying that “he would be ten.” I was stunned he asked me such an easy question. Did he think I was dumb? Well apparently he did, because he looked me straight in the eye and said, “Kyla, you’re an idiot.” Then I realized, he has to be older than that, because he was some age, probably around five, when the video was taken. That would make him fifteen at this point. I felt so…show more content…
If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t love music as much as I do. He is the reason for how creative I am. He is also the reason for how loving I am. My dad always cares so much for everybody, he would do anything for you. His honesty and criticism is what makes me want to try so hard to do everything I do to the best of my ability. I still get nervous every time I show him a new song I wrote. Hearing him tell me that I am a great songwriter makes me want to keep doing it. He knows I have the ability to do great things; he has forever. That’s why he always pushes me to do my

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