Daniel Hauser was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in January 2009 and after completing one treatment he refused the remaining five treatments recommended by his doctor ("When Medicine and Religion Conflict Around Children: The Case of Daniel Hauser"). Daniel refused the treatment as he believed that it would kill him, not treat him. Daniel’s doctor stated that Daniel has a 90 percent success rate if he completes the chemotherapy but without it he faced a 95 percent chance of death ("Judge Rules
A STUDY ON VERTICAL MOBILITY OF EMPLOYEES IN PRIVATE BANKING SECTOR WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CUDDALORE DISTRICT CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO BANKING Bank is defined in many ways by various authors in the book son economics and commerce. It is very difficult to define a bank; because a bank performs multifarious functions may be defined in many ways according to their functions. The evolution of different types of banks, each specializing in a particular field, gives emphasis on each