Personal Narrative-A Career As A Soccer Player

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Today is the day I worked my butt off the whole summer for. I stand here, with my arm stretched out, clenching my fist and screaming my province name in a cheer. My shoes are laced up and my uniform tucked in, I am ready to kickoff this game. My team and I pile out of the change room and sprint into the Saville Sports Centre gymnasium for the bronze medal game at nationals. There are oodles of spectators here, but way more at home observing through their computer screens. This is the first time ever in New Brunswick history that the U15 girls team made it to the bronze medal game. Winning a medal at nationals would be amazing for our small province! The supporting U17 team high fives us as we run to the balls to commence warm up. I can smell…show more content…
My four other teammates and I walk onto the centre of the basketball court. Back home in Miramichi I stand tall at five foot eight, but not here. All the players are over six feet. I was told to guard number nine, she was the last player cut from the Canada basketball team. This is a lot of pressure but I convince my self I can do it. It almost feels like slow motion as the ref throws the ball up in the air, but as soon as the ball is tipped by Manitoba it feels like fast forward. The pace is super quick but we can keep up. I gain control of the ball and pass it to our tallest player on the team, she squares up and shoots. SWISH! It goes in. We are in the lead by two in the first thirty-seconds of the game. My heart is racing faster than a professional race car driver. All those sprints and conditioning every weekend are helping me catch my breath. I sprint up and down the court moving my feet quicker than a football player. The score is two nothing for us in the first 2 minutes. Manitoba takes it to the hoop and scores. I receive the ball from the inbounded player and attack the basket line. We begin passing the ball and attacking the rim, and finally, SWISH! Another basket! Manitoba is on a break away and they also score. We continue to share baskets until the end of the half. With ten-seconds left a three pointer is scored by a girl on my team! I’m covered in sweat and very dehydrated, i chug down my water. The score is now 25-18 for team New Brunswick at

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