Persepolis And Sophocles Antigone: An Analysis

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“If this be treason, make the most of it!” cried politician Patrick Henry at the House of Burgesses. America’s wage for independence was a rebellious act against Britain who subdued American rights, an intolerable injustice. Although freedom was gained, political betrayal is an exceedingly serious and often unpardonable offense. Amidst flags, anthems, and striking nationalism, actions close to treason are scorned even without federal penalty. Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis and Sophocles’ Antigone display the complex effects of such betrayal. Marji’s family in Persepolis rejects the Iranian government, the Shah and the later elected Islamic Regime. Sophocles’ Antigone defies ruler Creon’s edicts by burying her brother Polynices, a presumed traitor…show more content…
Primarily, Creon’s decree is far less threatening than the atrocities committed by the Iranian government. After Eteocles and Polynices kill each other in pursuit of the throne, Creon refuses to bury Polynices, believing Polynices to be a traitor due to his wage of war. Creon is unaware that Polynices was only trying to regain his rightful position; by assuming that no one would want to honor a thief, Creon prohibits the burial. Compared to the imprisonments and deaths by the Iranian government, never mind burial, Creon’s decree is far less tyrannical. While heavenly matters are extremely important, Creon enacts what he believed is best for Thebes, a far less injustice than Iran’s conscious crimes. Furthermore, Antigone does not care for forgiveness and works brashly towards her goal. As family, it may have been her fate to bury Polynices; however, Antigone’s immense hubris causes her to act recklessly. Repeatedly, Antigone cockily says that she does not care for forgiveness from Creon, citing the heavens as all she requires. In the end, Antigone rashly kills herself just as Creon is about to pardon her. While Creon’s change of mind is unknown, she should not hastily end her life even if she does not fear death. Ignoring potential consequences, she triggers the deaths of her lover Haemon and his mother Eurydice, worsening the overall conflict. Although she suffers horrible timing, her suicide is a decision she herself initiates that results in fateful consequences. Moments before her acquittal, Antigone’s heedless suicide eliminates any hope of resolution. Her obsessive focus on her brother’s burial and her disregard for forgiveness cause her to be less deserving of a pardon. In addition, Antigone stresses honor as the prime motive for burying her brother rather than familial bonds. Once her sister Ismene disapproves of her plans, Antigone immediately tells

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