Paradigm Shift Vs Scientific Paradigm

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1) A paradigm is the basic assumptions and ideology combined and commonly accepted by the scientific community, for example a scientific model. 2) The periodic table is an example of a scientific paradigm because the core assumptions about atomic number and the classification into specific groups are the basis of more complex scientific discoveries and it is accepted as an appropriate model. It is a paradigm because it forms what we currently know about elements and their grouping and their periodicity. 3) One physical trend that the periodic table perfectly demonstrates is that the softness of the alkali metals increases down the group. 4) One physical trend is that Mercury, which is a metal in the transition metals, should be solid at room temperature when actually it is a liquid. 5) A paradigm shift is the dramatic change in some of the basic assumptions and beliefs of a paradigm, or possibly even a change to another paradigm due to a breakthrough in scientific knowledge and a new understanding. A more modern paradigm of periodicity could help improve our understanding because a paradigm shift means that many of the basic assumptions are questioned critically and underlying problems can be exposed. Also, a paradigm shift may mean that exceptions can be understood and a basis for new exploration trying to explain new trends and…show more content…
This was problematic because the accuracy of these samples are debatable, there seemed to be an unusually large number of inexplicable anomalies and it was not helpful in discovering and predicting new elements. Mosley proposed that the periodic table is now ordered due to atomic number, which is the number of protons. This shift made it possible to determine the chemical behaviour due to its fundamental particles, and it also helped prove a new understanding of the shape of the

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