Operation Rubilee Dieppe Raid

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A bloodbath. A total failure. One of the most devastating and gruesome battles of canadian history. These all describe Operation Rutter/Jubilee. The Dieppe Raid. Out of 4 963 canadians, 907 were killed, and 2 262 were captured. This raid in Dieppe France, was designed to put fear of an attack in the west, and to get the Germans to strengthen their channel defenses at the expense of other areas. August 19th 1942 marks the day hundreds of canadians fought for a better future, and only a few coming back from a military disaster. However, the sacrifice made by the allied forces during the dieppe raid was worth the devastation of lives lost. It is greatly significant in the strategic plans and attacks in future wars, also displaying how dedicated the canadians are when it comes to representing their country. Without the lessons learned in this raid, D Day might have been a disaster. The raid had taught the allies many battle tactics and strategies that helped in future wars including D Day. “D Day would have been a disaster were it not for the lessons of…show more content…
As a young boy born in 1919, his interests of radios and electronics brought him to the field. Jack’s job was the radar expert for the Freda Mission. When things went south of the plan to get inside info on communications, Jack choose plan B. To cut the cables of the German communication landline. “I wedged myself between the poles and worked my way to the top.” All the while being shot at, Jack successfully cut the 6-8 cables necessary to complete his mission. His bravery resulted in the British picking up the german radio transmissions and intelligence of the German Radar system.When asked why someone would volunteer for a job of no reward Nissenthall replied “We’re not given to expect something out of everything we do.” Once again displaying the courage the canadians had during the raid and dedication to their

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