Oedipus Life Quotes

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Oedipus was envied, yet his life resulted in ruin and tragedy. “Consider his last day and let none presume on his good fortune until he finds Life, at his death, a memory without pain.” I think this line is trying to say that don’t be happy until you’re dead because life can change quickly, as soon as Oedipus thought that he had everything and people envied him for who he was, Oedipus was living a good life until he figured out about his real “life” causing his to waver and panic. As soon as Oedipus figured out who he really was; he felt death, nothing but emptiness causing him a very painful memory. The lesson that the quote is trying to teach the audience is that they should not try to be like the people that have everything, because they…show more content…
A while later after Jocasta kills herself, Oedipus stabs his eyeballs,(253)”King ripped from her gown the golden brooches that were her ornament, and raised them, and plunged them down straight into his own eyeballs.” The death of Jocasta and the painful memory Oedipus is experiencing overwhelming him in agony while he shouts “no more”. While Oedipus is blinded and in misery he calls forth someone to lead him to the gates so, (254)”All children of Cadmus may look upon his father’s murderer, his mother’s and then he will leave Thebes, self-exiled.” Oedipus good fortune as being the king and respect vanished in one day period when he found out about his life which caused himself to be exiled from…show more content…
King Oedipus has in front of him the man that can save Thebes, but Tiresias won’t reveal any information. Sophocles portrays Oedipus as a puppet of fate because Tiresias who can see what’s going on even though he is blind refuses to tell Oedipus on who the killer and how to lift the curse that’s going on. Tiresias instead tells Oedipus that there’s no point in revealing anything, because fate is going to happen anyways. (215)”Let me go home. Bear your own fate, and I’ll bear mine. It is better so; trust what I say.” Tiresias says that your fate is unavoidable just bear with it; time is going to decide. Oedipus goes on about how unhelpful Tiresias is, and begs Tiresias for the truth, but Tiresias says it’s his misery right now, but it will be his.(216)”I say you live in Hideous shame with those most dear to you, you cannot see the evil.” Oedipus is blind to see what it means to him, and Oedipus responds to Tiresias by calling him a sightless, witless, senseless, mad old man. Oedipus starts accusing Tiresias for the murder of King Laius when he has no idea what is going on. Oedipus keeps ranting on about how Tiresias is a “child of endless night” and Tiresias snaps and tells Oedipus, (216)”You are the murderer whom you seek.” Tiresias knows who the killer of Laius is and tells him that he did it, but Oedipus’ hubris gets over him and replies with “Now twice you spat out infamy. You’ll pay for it!” Oedipus is

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