Nature In A Midsummer Night's Dream Essay

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream In the play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare there are many references to nature. Shakespeare makes these references in the play using plants, animals and birds that have a significance which allows the audience’s understanding of the play to deepen. One way nature is used is to show the significance of the characters, Oberon and Titania in the play. The second way that nature deepens the audience’s understanding of the play is through the moon. Lastly, roses are significant in deepening the audience’s understanding of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Nature is used to deepen the audience’s understanding of Shakespeare’s play through the characters, Titania and Oberon. An example is when Titania and Oberon…show more content…
This is done through Theseus saying, ‘but earthlier happy is the rose distill’d, than that which withering on the virgin thorn grows, lives and dies in single blessedness’ to Hermia. Theseus is basically saying that being a nun has several advantages but being a virgin is like being a blossoming flower but eventually it will die on a thorny rose bush once its freshness and purity is gone. Theseus also suggests that a woman who gets married and has sex and offspring is like a rose that has been distilled because her beauty will live within her offspring. This deepens the audience’s understanding of Shakespeare’s play because it shows how controlled women in that time are by men, how that whatever a woman chooses to do with her virtue is always wrong with one man or another. This helps to understand some of the ideas behind the play like the two choices Hermia is given if she doesn’t marry Demetrius. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare the inclusion of roses helps to deepen the audience’s understanding of the play because it explores how little decisions women are allowed to make, something that is prevalent during time period of the

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