My Experience In Campbell University Online Seminar: Undergraduate

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My experiences in Campbell University Online Seminar – Undergraduate (COSU) has been excellent! It has challenged me do more than what is expected of me. Something that we take for granted like proofreading your work vice depending on Microsoft Word to capitalize and verify all the mistakes that you made. I learned that Microsoft Word is not the god of spell and grammar check! Word is a tool to use but I need to use my own tools to know that even the computer can be wrong too. When I started this class, I thought it would be an easy A. Wow, was I wrong! Even the tests were challenging! Since this is the introductory class, I though Ms. Girard would take it easy on me! Not at all. She was tough! She did not allow me to turn in mediocre work and if I did, my grade did suffer. Ms. Girard knows that mature adults going back to college need a reality check and that is what she gave.…show more content…
I have been going to Campbell University for almost a year and was having some challenges with navigating Blackboard. I knew how to do basic stuff like getting into class but I wanted to do the simple stuff like changing my personal information online or even have a picture for my profile. This is helpful for when I am in the discussion, people can put a face (or just a picture of an interest) with a name. I hope that Campbell starts to like Apple products. I was unable download my video on Blackboard using my IPad. I did not like the fact that I had to put my introduction of myself on YouTube and has had to change my settings of my profile to private. I just found out last week that Blackboard is available in your cellular phone provider’s app store! I think that just letting students know that is important because it keeps student connected with the class at all time. This is a good resource for all student and they need to know that that option is

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