Maturity In J. M. Barrie's Immature Little Peter Pan

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Immature Little Peter Immaturity and maturity are themes shown throughout novels and other works of literature. Infact, the topic of maturity is still seen in society today. The novel Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie and current events both show levels of maturity and immaturity, in both grown and adolescents individuals. Some examples in modern society include the increasing rate of teen alcohol and drug abuse. This example shows how teens act immaturely by not following laws and rules, much like the Lost Boys. J.M. Barrie gained inspiration for the play and novel through a group of young boys he met and would later become the guardian of. Barrie watched the boys act in immaturity, then later wrote of similar accounts in the novel. As shown throughout Peter Pan and current topics, immaturity is presented and still alive. Peter Pan showcases many acts of immaturity. The book follows three children, Wendy, John, and Michael with their new friend Peter. Peter enters their room one night and tells the children of a far off land. Peter explains, "'And, Wendy, there are mermaids,'" gaining the little girls attention (Barrie 32). A reader of the novel obviously knows the mermaids do not exist. The children in the novel imagine things such as fairies, mermaids, Pirates, and Indians; often addressed with…show more content…
From a young boy taking children to a far off land, to an adult seeking revenge on a child. Peter is the ultimate example of immaturity, “ he now imitated the voice of hook,” showcasing many acts of childish behavior (Barrie 79). One may say Peter is just a child, but Peter still acts in large amounts of immaturity for a child. A reader can have hope that one day Peter will eventually grow up and have a life. Then a reminder that Peter returns to become friends with Wendy’s daughter Jane, and Jane’s daughter Margaret, then assume it goes on generation to generation. Thus showing how immature the novel and protagonist

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