Masculinity In 'Real Men And Boys Don T Cry'

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Masculinity is defined as the possession of characteristics that are traditionally attributed to men. However is the notion of masculinity influenced by song lyrics? Or do the lyrics of songs affect how men perceive themselves to society? Likewise, it’s seen that men are represented as “attractive” and “muscular” in clothing ads such as Calvin Klein advertisements and commercials. But, masculine characteristics are greatly expressed in songs particularly in rock music. Rock songs tend to be loud and heavily produced by male bands which causes most men to listen to those songs. Typically, during the rock era of the 70s, males changed their appearances to follow the lyrics of songs in terms of clothing, appearance and choices they make. For example in the songs “Real Men” by Joe Jackson and “Boys Don’t Cry” by The Cure, “rules” are created for men to “follow.” The lyrics definitely…show more content…
Derogatory terms have been present in many of the lyrics of the two songs which have created an irrational perception of members of the LGBTQ+ community. “Sure they're all straight – straight as a line,” demonstrates the idea that all men are heterosexual or straight which was the ideal sexuality during the 1970s. With the comparison of sexuality to a straight line demonstrates how homosexual men must feel when they are bashed for their so-called “sinful” choices. “So don't call me a faggot” this informal term is very commonly used in today’s society particularly by immature adolescents who use the term as an insult. Provocative terms such as “faggot” have been prevalent in many songs which are why society thinks it’s okay to use it. The term degrades homosexual men which created a negative stigma against the LGBTQ+ community during the rock era which is still very present in today’s

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