Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace

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The novel Alias Grace is about Grace Marks, a woman who was involved in the murders of Thomas Kinnear and Nancy Montgomery. The story is placed in the year of 1859 where she works in the Governor’s house while still an inmate. She is treated kindly around the house but is treated poorly around the prison. One day Grace is put in a room with Doctor Simon Jordan; she is not comfortable to be in the room with him alone because she is afraid he may be one of those doctors who cut people open. After a while, she starts getting comfortable around him, and she feels like she trusts him. Grace tells her story from when she was young when she emigrated from Ireland to Canada with her eight siblings, her mother, and her alcoholic and abusive father and many other Irish who were emigrating. She then tells the stories from when she was growing older…show more content…
This can be shown by her uncle saying, “Many were doing it, and there was free land to be had in the Canadas, and what my father needed was wipe the slate clean” (Atwood 110). Grace’s uncle, Roy, was the only one maintaining Grace’s family, but when her aunt, Pauline, found out she was pregnant, Grace’s family had to immigrate to Canada because her uncle could not maintain them anymore. Some of the Irish were Presbyterians who suffer through discrimination in Ireland, and they believed that in North America they could find what they were looking for which was freedom and happiness. During the immigration, it was illegal for Catholics to immigrate to North America. There were many people on the ships, and many became sick while being on the boat and some would die. For example, “But it was amongst the icebergs that our mother fell gravely ill. She had been in bed most of the time because of seasickness, and had not eaten anything except biscuit and water” (Atwood

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