Malcolm X: Mistreatment Of Black Americans During The 1960's

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Malcolm X was a civil rights activist leader that had a tremendous impact on Black Americans during the 1960's. During that time, America was like two separate countries. One was Black America and the other was White America. Black America was considered inferior. The assassination of Malcolm X was unjust because he was an influential leader and spoke out against the mistreatment of Black Americans. Malcolm X had a difficult young adult life. He was sent to prison for stealing. While in prison, he proved that education and reading helped him develop into a strong leader and eloquent speaker. "Malcolm X read everything he could get his hands on." (LeBlanc, Rubinear 248) He also practiced his writing by copying from a dictionary. He worked on his speaking skills by participating in…show more content…
He became a follower of Elijah Muhammad and was appointed as the spokesperson for the NOI. (Nation of Islam). He made several speeches about the mistreatment of Black Americans. One speech was made in June 1963 called "The Black Revolution". In this speech, Malcolm X talks about the history of how Black Americans were treated. "If America can't atone for the crimes she has committed against the twenty million so called Negroes, if she can't undo the evils that she has brutally and mercilessly heaped upon our people these past four hundred years." (Karim 1) Some people believed that the assassination of Malcolm X was justified because he encouraged violence. The violence that he supported was for Black Americans to protect themselves in self-defense. During a press conference in New York on March 12, 1964, Malcolm X said, "Black people are being forced to be violent; they must fight back because they are constantly being victimized. They should form "rifle clubs" so that blacks can defend themselves and their property when emergencies arise and the government fails to protect them." (Carson

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