'Ll Know It As You Know' Tis Noon By Emily Dickinson Analysis

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Upon reflection on my readings from the ‘intuition’ file, I’ve noticed several recurring themes. The poems tend to be a bit loose and interpretive in some ways, like utilizing metaphors and imagery to convey a specific point in a way that is not completely outright. Overall, though, the undercurrent of instinctive knowledge is reaffirming to us as humans, because it gives us that cushion to fall on of instinctual knowledge. In Emily Dickinson’s poem titled “You’ll know it-as you know ‘tis Noon”, there is no uncertainty or doubt in her tone. Dickinson is very self-assured, and this is exemplified in lines fourteen and fifteen, the last of the whole poem. It is written; ““How shall you know”? // Consult your Eye!” This piece in particular

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