Livingston Declaration Of Independence Analysis

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The Declaration had many points get across to the people, one of the major freedoms that Jefferson and the others wrote about was the equality of men. They wrote “All men have equal rights, and these included Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” He wrote that England was no longer governing the colonies, and governments should get their power from people. Also listed in the Declaration is a list of charges left on King George III, including imposing taxes without the people’s consent and cutting off our trade with all parts of the world. Jefferson also argued that slavery was “against the most sacred rights of life and liberty.” After a few changes by Franklin and Adams, the draft was given to Congress to review. Some delegates did not agree with their thoughts on slavery, so this was taken out of the Declaration of Independence. Congress reviewed the Declaration on July 2, 1776 and added, “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.” Congress approved the…show more content…
The fact that the Governor said this lofty statement, means that he was going somewhere in the world. Hardy knew that Livingston had a lot of potential and was very politically advanced, like his family. Philip Livingston was involved in a lot of political conferences; here are just a few. Livingston was an elected representative to the British assembly in New York. He served 3 terms on this counsel in 1759. He did intend to go against the British, because that’s where his roots are, but he did not agree with what they were doing to the colonies and with restricting trading. He felt very strongly on how the colonists should be treated. Therefore, Livingston did go against his home country of Great Britain to defend the colonies and try to improve his life in the country

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