Liberia Informative Speech

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Liberia: Liberian Cuisines Renell Yonkedeh Southeast Community College LIBERIAN FOODS Topics: Liberian Foods General Purpose: Liberian Foods Specific Purpose: I will be informing the class about two popular cuisines in Liberia. Central Idea: Jollof Rice and Acheke are two of the most made dish in West Africa that had spread to Liberia. Introduction I. Introduction a) Have you ever wanted to venture out of you comfort zone and try some delicious food made from a different country? b) I will be informing the class about two popular cuisines in Liberia. c) Whenever you want to eat something delicious and new, knowing how to make some Liberian food will definitely come in handy. d) I am always making tradition Liberian meals for my family…show more content…
Transition: Now let’s get started learning about these food. II. Traditionally, rice is the most popular meal in Liberia, aside from Fufu, another famously known dish, there are varieties of rice dishes; however, the most notably type is called Jollof Rice (ProQuest, 2015). a) Jollof rice origin, if googled would shows different West African countries like Nigeria and Ghana. 1. The true origin of Jollof rice can be traced back to Senegal and Gambia (Kitchen Butterfly, 2015). 2. I could not find anything on how long Jollof Rice had been around. b) When it comes to making Jollof rice, different countries make theirs different ways; however, the methods are usually the same. 1. The ingredients for Jollof rice is as followed. 2. The instruction for making Acheke is as followed. 1. Jollof rice will be good for parties, dinner, and more. It can be eaten with chicken, vegetables, and just about anything. Transition: Now that we’ve talked about one dish lest move on to the next. III. Acheke, also called Attiéké, is another famous dish loved by Liberians. a) Acheke at first glance might not be as alluring, however it is one of the most consume dish West

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