Levitated Mass Analysis

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Michael Heizer’s completed project Levitated Mass is an icon of art and land. Levitated mass is a true piece of art, but most people would argue that it’s just a rock, and not true art. Levitated mass is about land and art being together in one spot the two most beautiful things. Michael Heizer was successful in doing that, but what’s even greater is that so many people were able to share in the experience of the rock, and that’s what art is all about the experience of the people. Also art is about imagination, and ideas. As well as their beauty, and emotional power. Two aspects that levitated mass possess. In addition, many people were involved with getting the rock moved, and all those people can go to the rock and feel as though they had a part. The boulder moved through 22 cities and four counties. Each city it moved through people came out, and even waited all night to see the rock. It was something everyone was able…show more content…
Nature is one of the most beautiful things and when you have a beautiful piece of granite in the desert it really does symbolize beauty, and imagination. Art is about how it makes you feel, and It’s a guarantee that if you went to walk underneath the monumental rock you would feel the rocks emotional power. Also what’s great about Levitated mass is that there is no hidden objective behind Michael Heizers project other then to make art. As Michael heizer says in the documentary levitated mass ‘There are no values attached to something like this because its not a portable valuable barter exchange object you cant trade this thing you can put it in your pocket if you have a war you cant move it around its not worth anything in fact its an obligation the theory is that art and land have the greatest values and here you have art and land.” This quote is very powerful and you can see that Michael Heizer is a true artist who’s only purpose is to crate a peace of art that will last for

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