Letter To Philippians: Most Uplifting Book Of The New Testament

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To some, the Letter to the Philippians is one of the most uplifting books of the New Testament because of the joyful and gracious message that it conveys. It reminds people how incredible it is to be thankful for every single blessing and how important it is to find joy in everything. When Paul wrote this letter around 60 AD to the church in Philippi, he was being kept a prisoner in Rome, for preaching Christ. Even though he was facing dangers of death, he still kept a positive outlook, because he knew that if he died, he would be where he truly belonged- in Heaven with God. Paul urged the Philippians to be joyful and to stay hopeful in times of suffering. He encouraged them to have Christ’s mind, knowledge, and peace. Paul hoped that the Philippians would be thankful and stick close together during those hard times by following Christ’s examples. For example, Paul writes, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).…show more content…
While Paul was imprisoned, the church of Philippi had sent endless amounts of love and support, and Paul wanted to thank them for that. One thing that the Philippians did was send Paul money. It was greatly appreciated since he had not been provided with much. Paul also thanked God, because while yes, it was the Philippians that sent the gift, he said that it was their love for God that motivated them to give. He also makes it clear that by showing his gratitude for the gift, he is not asking for more, and that he is to be content in any state that he is

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