King Henry's Speech Persuasive Essay

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English Essay: “I have never accepted what many people have kindly said, namely that I inspired the Nation. It was the nation and the race dwelling around the globe that had the lion heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar” – Winston Churchill, Speech November. 1954 This famous quote from Winston Churchill symbolizes an iconic speech, which was not used to inspire “the nation” but rather to call them forth into action. This speech was not used to motivate the public, they were already willing. It called them fourth into action. It was highly effective because unlike most orators he was not preparing action but rather was calling the public forward, allowing them to take action. By analysing King Henry the V’s speech “unto…show more content…
Rather then Henry using pre-existing victory he had to use a variety of techniques, which engage the troops. Henry starts the speech with “dear friends” the use of inclusive language engages the audience and introduces a form of comradeship, allowing the troops to feel a sense of trust. Henry then says “ In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility” Shakespeare uses rallentado, which is the slowing of pace. To create a powerful statement by rising the troops self esteem through the use of words such as “modest” and “humility”. With the troops arised sense of esteem they can then focus on the battle. He then says, “ When the blast of war blows in our ears”. The use of ‘b’ plosive creates a vivid image and anticipates the start of the battle. The pace of the speech then begins to rise and Henry uses the simile, “like a brass canon” this is used to depict the troops attitude, strong and powerful. Henry uses this quote to get the men into the mind state of war, better preparing them. As the pace increases and Henry is toward the conclusion of his speech he says “on, on, you noblest English, whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof”. This citation uses patriotism to encourage the men to fight for England and to fight for their fathers. This quote reinforces the need to fight, not only for ‘our’ country but for their ancestors. Henry then uses an appeal to ancestry by saying “Dishonour not you mothers” by involving the Men’s mothers it reinforces the negatives of retreat. He then uses the quote of “good yeomen, whose limbs were made in England, show us here the mettle of your pasture.” This appeal to patriotism reminds the troops of their love for England. Henry then uses peroration in his final cry when he cries “Follow your spirit and upon this charge cry God

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