Karen Kornbluh Summary

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Karen Kornbluh’s proposal was published in 2005 by the Work and Family Programs, and it presents the issues of American workplaces. Kornbluh, in her introduction, presents readers with typical American household, where both parents, or single ,unmarried parent is never home full-time, verses “traditional family” in 1970’s. According to Kornbluh workers in order to be “decent parents, caregivers, and members of communities, need greater flexibility than they once did.”(474). Although, The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, guaranteed worker’s absence in case of childbirth/adoption, or illness of family member, it was still left unpaid. Kornbluh points out that American employers are obligated to accommodate workers with disabilities or even provide religious accommodations, but they are not obligated to provide flexible schedules “for employees caring for sick relatives.”(475). At the end of the introduction author says, that win-win flexibility will not be the same for everybody, and it will require both parties, employers and employees, to communicate and…show more content…
Employees would have a right to submit an official request where they presents reasonings and appropriate type of flexible scheduling, and employer within two weeks would be obligated to present his/her decision based on fair and reasonable judgment. Flexible scheduling according to Kornbluh should not affect employee’s “hourly pay and proportionate health, pension, vacation, holiday, and FMLA benefits.”(478). AT first program would include parents, guardians, and the caregivers, but eventually all works should be eligible. Kornbluh doesn't forget also about employers and business owners, in her proposal she suggests that, “Tax credit could be used in the first year to reward early

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