Joseph Campbell's Three Acts Of Monomyth

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The first of Joseph Campbell’s three acts of monomyth is Departure. As I read The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the chapter “The Adventure of the Hero: The Departure”, offered detailed stories that describe the stages of Departure very well. The main idea of these stories is when a hero is called to begin his or her adventure. Then, there is a possible refusal of the call of adventure by the hero. The hero then receives aid from an individual with supernatural characteristics. After that the hero crosses into the field of adventure, leaving the limits of their world into a dangerous place where the rules and restrictions are unknown. The last stage is the belly of the whale, which represents the final separation from the hero's known world and them self’s. By going through this stage, the…show more content…
The Princess is playing with a ball by a well, and drops the ball into the well. A frog retrieves the ball for her, only after she promises the frog anything he wants. The Princess then ends up leaving the frog and forgetting about him. Her call of adventure starts when she loses her ball in the well, continues with the frog showing up, and ends with an unfulfilled promise by the Princess. For the next stage, refusal of the call, an example of one of the stories Campbell uses is King Minos and the Minotaur. In this story, Minos builds an empire to hide from the Minotaur, which only causes him more troubles. His refusal of the call is that the Minotaur is his enemy that attempts to call Minos to his quest by defeating the Minotaur, but Minos is too afraid to confront his enemy. A story for supernatural aid is Dante’s Inferno. In this story, Virgil is a poet who leads Dante and appears to Beatrice at the gate to Paradise. Virgil is the supernatural aid for Dante, and helps him in his quest. Hottentot Ogre is a story used to represent the crossing of the threshold. The Hottentot Ogre has been confronted on the scrubs and dunes.

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