John Stewart Mill And Karl Marx

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How may we, as a global human population, acquire happiness? This question has been asked time and time again by philosophers, theoreticians and theologians, among countless others. Two notable writers who believe they have found the answer are John Stewart Mill and Karl Marx. Each philosopher describes a vision of a social plan based in established methodologies. Mill’s is defined by Utilitarianism and Marx’s by Communism. Both theories hold the attainment of human happiness at the root of their efforts yet they describe the process in ways that seem to be at odds with one another. This conflict is based in the fact that Mill’s theory of Utilitarianism requires ultimate standardization. In contrast, Marx views humans as infinitely diverse…show more content…
For example, Marx writes, “Law, morality, religion, are to him [the Proletariat] so many bourgeois prejudices, behind which lurk in ambush just as many bourgeois interests (Marx 19). For Marx, the moral law denies individuals of their rights and bounds them to a standardization that reflects the ways in which the working class is instrumentalized as a commodity in the service of bourgeois interests. For Marx, “The proletariat, the lowest stratum of our present society, cannot stir, cannot raise itself up, without the whole super-incumbent strata of official society being sprung into the air” (Marx 19). In contrast to this revolutionary statement, Mill’s theory on happiness is anything…show more content…
Marx would most likely argue that “nature” and any “natural inclination” is a myth. For Marx, the natural would no longer exist, and if it does, it does so at the expense of the laborer. Furthermore, any suggestion that mankind desires harmony with one another silences the horrid realities of the proletariat and quiets the rage of the working class. It would most likely be seen as another deceptive tool of the bourgeoisie that devises to reach its own aims by seducing the masses into believing that everything will be alright if we simply follow our moral duty and act in accordance with the greater good. Marx would most likely question who the greater good will be

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