John Anthon Diction

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John Milton wrote, “When I Consider How My Light Is Spent“ in 1650 when he gone blind to expresses his relationship with God. In this poem, the author expresses his feelings of being blind and the importance of severing God. He is afraid that God will punish him for not being able to use God’s given talents to serve him; however, this feeling about God changes as he starts to feel that God is patient and understanding of his condition. Milton breaks down the rhyme scheme from ABBAABBA to CDECDE and uses metaphor depicting negative of God, to show his resolving of inner struggle from being sad and scared of punishment to being optimistic and trusting of God. The rhyme scheme contributes to the meaning of the poem by separating the negative…show more content…
The speaker believes that if he doesn’t serve, God will push him into more darkness. In “my true account, lest he returning chide” (Milton, line 6), the speaker relates to God as collector of profit from giving him such talent as a writer. “Account” is as a record, if God sees in the record that he has not used his talent properly; he is afraid that that he will be in spiritual darkness that is more fearful then his blindness. Another metaphor to describe God as an authoritative figure is when he asks, “Doth God exact day-labor, light denied?” (Milton, line 7). Even though, he’s carefully asking this question using metaphor, we can see that he continues to view God as an authoritative figure who makes his servants work even if they can’t see. Through his negative metaphors, the speaker sees God as a scary authoritative figure that he must obey and serve. At this point in the poem, he is only thinking about the punishments he would be receiving from the man above if he, himself, cannot serve. Although his desire is always to serve God, he is afraid he can’t serve with his blindness. He hopes he can show God what he could accomplish with his gift, but he is incapable

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