Jean Dominique Research Paper

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“The only weapon I have is my microphone and my unshakable faith as a militant for change, veritable change.” said Haitian Journalist and pro-democracy activist, Jean Dominique. Despite the threat on his life, Jean L. Dominique is a leader because he used public media to speak out against the regime of Francois Duvalier, his personal militia, and their abuse of power, extrajudicial killings, and arbitrary torture, and embezzlement. Also, Dominique used public radio to give voice to the poor and oppressed. Jean Leopold Dominique is a Haitian radio journalist and agronomist who was born on July 30, 1930 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti to a wealthy family. Leopold Dominique, his father, believed in the cause of the Haitian dilemma, so moved to Haiti…show more content…
Francois Duvalier was the 40th president of Haiti. But although he was president, he acted more like a dictator. If anyone spoke out against him, he would murder their whole family. In 1964 he proclaimed himself president for life. François Duvalier also committed embezzlement, extrajudicial killings, and arbitrary detention and torture. Jean Dominique also told people about the “Tonton Macoutes”, a Haitian paramilitary force and Duvalier’s personal militia. Duvalier ordered the "Tonton Macoutes" to commit systematic violence and human rights abuses to suppress political opposition. They were responsible for unknown numbers of murders and rapes in Haiti. Tontons Macoutes” also stoned and burned people alive. There were various occasions where they put the bodies of their victims on display, for everyone to see and take as warnings to anyone who went against the government. Jean Dominique used his radio station to promote the end of the Duvalier dictatorship. The radio station sparked fire in the hearts of Haitian peasants. Jean Dominique’s strong words helped give people the courage to fight back and

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