Jealousy In Julius Caesar Essay

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Jealousy is a strong emotion that blinds ones sense of right and wrong. In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, a constant theme of envy drives characters and their actions in both positive and negative ways. Envy plays a huge role in the plot and is the reason for numerous tragic events that occur. The fable, “The Tiger Who Would be King”, by James Thurber also exemplifies the same theme. In this short story, the characters jealousy leads them to act unlike they normally would. Julius Caesar and “The Tiger Who Would be King” both illustrate that jealousy can lead to an unwanted result. Starting off, being envious of another can lead to rash decisions. In Julius Caesar Cassius is highly jealous over Caesar and the power he could soon hold over Rome. Due to this Cassius gathers a group of conspirators and then kills Caesar. The decision to assonate Caesar was committed under the influence of jealousy and was not something that he would normally do. In the same manner, the tiger in “The Tiger Who Would be King” also makes a rash decision in his midst of jealousy. The tiger charged out of his den to fight the lion over a crown that he thought was…show more content…
For example in the play all the conspirators wanted was to do what was best for Rome but due to the action of killing Caesar, due to Cassius’s envy of the power Caesar has, all the conspirators loose their lives. The result was not what they had all envisioned and due to the crime they committed they were not able to take part in the future they pictured anyway. Correspondingly, the tiger in the short story also gets unwanted results from the actions his jealousy caused. The whole jungle fought for either the lion or the tiger and in the end, the only one left was the tiger. Now he was the king but how can he be a king if he had no one to rule, if he had not fought for the crown he would not have had the terrible ending he was now doomed to live

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