Humbaba's Death In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Supernatural beings are entities that exist beyond the ordinary; they possess the power to alter the natural world. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, a timeless narrative from ancient Mesopotamia, supernatural beings act as a counterweight to humans, to maintain a balanced society; a balanced society, is one one where justice prevails and entities are in order. This way, when humans surpass their natural and ethical limits, the power of the divine intervenes to align entities with the natural order of the universe. This idea reflects the view of the authors’ culture that gods created humanity, and that the gods guide mankind to serve their purpose and direct them towards their fate. The idea that the supernatural amends the imbalance caused by the…show more content…
It is clear that Humbaba’s death is not justified, because he is adhering to his purpose in life of protecting nature; although mankind may fear him, he is highly regarded within nature. Humbaba’s intent is to preserve balance in nature, which is upset when mankind cuts down the trees. Similarily, the confrontation with the Bull of Heaven also shows the obstruction of the universe’s natural alignment; because the creature, is sent by Anu to punish Gilgamesh for refusing his daughter’s, sexual advancements. Gilgamesh’s rejection is seen as disrespectful; thus the creature is sent to redeem balance in the scale of justice. They defy the balance, as they ckill the creature. Consequently, Enkidu dreams about death, which is the motor of communication between the natural and non-natural world. He describes death as a house of no return: “To the house whence none who enters comes forth, on the road from which there is no way back”. The gods punish the men to restore the balance. This intervention results in Enkidu’s death, but also in Gilgamesh’s grief for his loss. Towards the end of the plot, when Gilgamesh interacts with the Scorpion people, whom’ appear terrorizing, he is disciplined. And although the creatures have a destructive nature, they do not harm him, because he is abiding to his ethical limits. This occurrence shows a mature Gilgamesh, as he has learnt from his mistakes. Humbaba’s murder, Bull of Heaven’s death, and confrontation with the Scorpion people, demonstrate how the gods punish and reward humans to maintain balance. Thus, it appears that the author’s culture viewed the non-natural world as an authoritative power that would teach what is ethical, to guide tmankind to behave within ethical realm, to reach

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