Huckleberry Finn Satirical Analysis

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In the Post-Civil War era of America, people seemed to be in a religious frenzy; there was another revival in Christian and Protestant movements. Many people however, such as Mark Twain, looked upon this sudden “revival” with amusement due to the radical and almost irrational customs this revival brought with it. Using his main character Huckleberry Finn as a vessel of this thought process in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, Twain is able to poke fun at the inconsistencies in the American people’s practice of Christianity in the late 1800’s. In the story, Huckleberry Finn, the main character and narrator - a very innocent young man, is oblivious to many of the religious customs of his society, invoking in him an almost humorous response to many of those customs. Utilizing satirical strategies such as Irony,…show more content…
Along the duration of the story, many characters attempt to buy into society’s beliefs and superstitions; however, they turn around and do the exact opposite, going against their own religious principles. At the start of the story, the reader is led to a picture of Huck’s life in which his caretaker, Widow Douglass, is attempting to “sivilize” him. In her mind, it is necessary to create a strong sense of religion within Huck, however, since he is without artifice, he does not understand it. As his Sunday school teacher, Miss Watson is describing heaven as a place where, “all a body would have to do there was to go around all day long with a harp and sing,

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