How Wolves Changed Rivers Summary

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In the video “How Wolves Changed Rivers”, Sustainable Man gives us a clear view on the effects of wolf eradication and their reintroduction to Yellowstone National Park. Although these events began more than eighty years ago, this story it is one that continues to repeat itself in present times. Whether it’s global warming, uncontrollable forest fires, or the extinction of species, we continually see the conclusion being the same. When part of the web of life is removed the consequences are felt throughout the surrounding environment and its inhabitants. These penalties are harsh; this fact is evident in the example of the wolves in Yellowstone. Wolves were originally eradicated because of their predation on livestock. In those times, landowners were dependent on livestock for the survival of their families. Although, opportunistic predators, when the wolves were removed, the environment…show more content…
The reintroduction process of the species began in 1994. Seventy years with the absence of wolves allowed deer numbers in the park to rise; climbing to unmanageable amounts. State agencies tried to control this outbreak with increased hunting takes, but failed in the attempt. The local vegetation suffered greatly with overgrazing from the increased population of deer. Upon reintroduction, the wolves, although small in numbers, made a large, somewhat immediate impact on their surroundings. Deer numbers began to decrease because of wolf predation. The deer herds moved to different locations than they had been frequenting for food and water access, allowing vegetation to regenerate. In some places, the Aspen, Willow, and Cottonwood trees quintupled in six years’ time. More trees and vegetation attracted more migratory bird species to the area. The trees also provided the beaver with an endless supply of sustenance, in turn, creating niches for other species to thrive in the damned

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