How Does Shakespeare Present Calpurnia In Julius Caesar

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In Act II, Scene II of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Caesar’s wife, Calpurnia, and one of his close friends, Decius, both give speeches about a particular dream that Calpurnia has had. In these speeches, Calpurnia’s purpose is to convince Caesar to stay home from the Senate tonight because of this strange dream. Decius’ purpose is to convince Caesar that the dream means nothing, and that he should come to the Senate to be crowned. Through logos, diction, and flattering, Decius persuades Caesar to go to the Capitol, despite Calpurnia’s pleads for him to stay home. Calpurnia starts off her argument by telling Caesar about how she never has believed in omens, and that if she, above all people, believes that this dream is a terrible sign, then he should probably listen to her. She then goes on to explain that not only has this dream occurred, but also many other weird things have been happening, such as a lioness that gave birth in the street, and the dead that are roaming around. “Caesar, I never stood…show more content…
He paints Decius a picture, describing how there is a statue of Caesar that has holes all in it, with blood pouring from each of the holes. Romans are at the foot of it, bathing their hands in the blood from the statue. Decius quickly interprets the dream differently, and explains how Caesar will provide the strength and power of Rome with his sustaining blood. “This dream is all amiss interpreted; it was a vision fair and fortunate. Your statue spouting blood in many pipes, in which so many smiling Romans bathed, signifies that from you great Rome shall suck reviving blood, and that great men shall press for tinctures, stains, relics, and cognizance. This by Calpurnia’s dream is signified.” (Page 41, Lines 87-94). He then goes on to explain that if Caesar doesn’t go to the Senate today he might not be crowned. This intimidates Caesar, and pushes him into going to the Capitol even

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